Privacy Policy

March 14, 2023

Mushroom Media, LLC, operating through its affiliates and representative offices located throughout the world (collectively, the “Company”) is strongly committed to protecting your privacy and has implemented the below to ensure all the personally identifiable information you provide is protected.

This Privacy Policy applies to all personally identifiable information (PII) that is collected for and on behalf of the Company through our website. The Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, share and protect PII. By using our website, you consent to the data collection and use practices that are described within this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the protection of your information, please contact the Company at

Information Collection and Use

While using the various features provided on our website, the Company may collect PII, which is information that identifies an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. PII may include, but is not limited to, your name, telephone number, physical address, email address, company affiliation and associated interests.

The Company may also collect other information through your interaction with and use of the website and its features which does not reveal your specific identity or does not directly relate to an individual. This other information may include, but is not limited to, browser and device information, data collected through automated electronic interactions, application usage data, demographic information, geographic or geo-location information, and statistical and aggregated information.

Statistical and aggregated information does not directly identify a person, but it may be derived from PII. For example, such information may be used to calculate the percentage of users in a particular zip code. Or the PII may be combined with other information, such as combining a precise geographic location with your name. If PII is combined with other information, the combined information shall be treated as PII.

The Company collects information in a variety of ways that fit broadly into the following general categories:

Log Data

When you access our website, the Company collects information that your browser sends to us, referred to as Log Data. This Log Data may include, but is not limited to, your computer’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser version, those website pages you visited, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other information.

Cookies and Log Files

We receive IP addresses in the normal course of the operation of our website. An IP address is a number assigned to you by your Internet service provider, so you can access the internet. We, as well as third parties that provide content, advertising, or other functionality on our website, may use cookies, pixel tags, local storage, and other technologies (“Technologies”) to automatically collect information through the website. We use Technologies that are essentially small data files placed on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or other devices (referred to collectively as a “device”) that allow us to record certain pieces of information whenever you visit or interact with our sites, services, applications, messaging, and tools, and to recognize you across devices.


A cookie is a piece of data or file that a website can send to your browser, which may then store it on your computer system. Most browsers allow you to block and delete cookies. However, if you do that, the website may not work properly, or you may not be able to receive personalized content. We may use cookies on our website to:

Provide access to our content: for example, allow you to personalize your experience by keeping you logged in, accessing information, products, and services relevant to your areas of interest;

Show content & advertising that are more relevant to you: for example, with your consent, we use tracking technologies to remember content that has interested you and remember content that has interested you. Cookies will also help limit the number of times that you see an ad, measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and help us and others track whether ads have been properly displayed so we can pay for this. We may also allow other organizations to use tracking technologies for these advertising purposes;

Analyze and improve your browsing experience: for example, to track your session within our website, so we can learn what content has interested you. We may also use cookies to understand general information about users, such as areas of interest. We also check for bugs and glitches in the content; and Prevent duplication: for example, when voting or participating in surveys.

Pixel Tags/Web Beacons

A pixel tag (also known as a web beacon) is a piece of code embedded on the website that collects information about users’ engagement on that web page. The use of a pixel tag allows us to record, for example, that a user has visited a particular web page or clicked on a particular advertisement.

Social Media Features

Our website may include social media integrations such as the Facebook “Like” button and LinkedIn (that might include widgets such as the “Share This” button or other interactive mini-programs). These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. These social media features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the Company providing it.

Service Providers

The Company may employ third-party entities for purposes of providing their information technology (IT) expertise and services in the support and operation of the Company’s website and its functional capability. In the performance of those IT services, the third-party entities may have access to your PII. The Company requires each third-party entity to agree to obligations whereby the PII is protected as confidential, they comply with applicable laws, they agree to not reproduce the PII, and if used, such use shall be limited to and solely for the performance of the tasks assigned. Notwithstanding, the Company cannot guarantee that any third party will maintain the privacy of your information.

The Company may be obligated to cooperate with various law enforcement inquiries related to the disclosure of your PII. The Company reserves the right to share or transfer your PII to comply with a legal requirement, disclose any activities or information about you to law enforcement or other government officials, at the sole discretion of the Company and as determined necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of any activity that is illegal or may expose the Company or you to legal liability. The Company may also release the information if necessary to prevent the death or serious injury of an individual.

If the Company transfers a business unit or an asset to another Company, we may transfer the PII collected to the relevant third party.

Disclosure to Third Parties – EU Individuals Only

European Union (EU) individuals, by your access to the website and its features, you consent to the data collection and use practices that are described within this Privacy Policy. The PII collected may be transferred by the Company to a service provider(s) or a “processor(s).” The Company, in all such cases, will make sure that (i) it diligently chooses relevant service provider(s), (ii) the service provider(s) is/are certified and compliant with the applicable laws and regulations, (iii) the service provider(s) shall only handle your information in accordance with the Company’s instructions, (iv) the service provider(s) adopts adequate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data, and, (v) the service provider does not retain your personal data upon completion of its services. Details of service providers and the countries in which they are based are available from the Company by contacting

To the extent that your personal data is shared with service providers, Company affiliates or other third parties processing PII on the Company’s behalf which are located outside your country of residence, the Company requires each to implement and comply with the data protection requirements imposed by your country’s data protection laws.

Sharing of Non-Identifiable Information

Information the Company collects that is not PII or PII that has been converted to information which cannot be used to identify you is not limited in any way by this Privacy Policy and can be used and disclosed by the Company in any manner and for any purpose.


The Company recognizes the importance of securing your PII and values the trust you extend in providing your PII. The Company uses commercially reasonable physical, electronic and administrative safeguards designed to protect your PII from loss, misuse or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Regardless of our efforts and the device you may use, it is still possible that third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications over the internet or our means of electronic storage. In the event that your PII is acquired, or is reasonably believed to have been acquired, by an unauthorized person and applicable law requires notification, the Company will notify you by e-mail or U.S. mail. The Company will give you notice promptly, consistent with the reasonable needs of law enforcement and/or the Company to determine the scope of the breach and to investigate and restore the integrity of the data system.

Links to Other Sites

The Company website may contain links to or the ability to connect with other websites, social networks or applications (“third-party sites”). Clicking on a third-party link or enable connection may allow the third-party site to collect or share information about you. Note that these external sites are not operated by or under the control of the Company. Therefore, you are encouraged to review the privacy policies and terms of use of any third-party sites before providing your PII.

Privacy Choices

You may elect not to have your PII either (a) disclosed to a third party, or (b) used for any purpose materially different from the third parties or purpose(s) stated within this Privacy Policy. In the event you wish to restrict your PII from any such disclosure or use, please contact the Company at to review your request.

You may have an opportunity to elect to receive recurring informational/promotional email from the Company. The Company’s email correspondence will include instructions on how to update certain personal information and how to unsubscribe from the emails. Please follow the instructions in the emails to opt-out of an email. The Company will unsubscribe you from that newsletter or other programs within thirty (30) business days from receipt of such request.

You can always contact the Company at in order to change your preferences with respect to marketing contacts.

Children’s Privacy

The Company is committed to protecting the privacy of children. For that reason, the Company does not knowingly collect personal identifiable information from any person we actually know is under the age of 13. Our website and its features are not structured to attract anyone under the age of 13.

Retention and Deletion

The Company will retain your PII for as long as your account is active; as needed to provide you services; as needed for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection; as necessary to comply with the Company’s legal obligations (e.g., to honor opt-outs), resolve disputes and enforce our agreements; or to the extent permitted by law.

At the end of the retention period, the Company will delete your PII in a manner designed to ensure that it cannot be reconstructed or read.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

The Company may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When changes to the Privacy Policy are posted, correspondingly the date of the Privacy Policy is revised to reflect the “last updated” date. If there are material changes to the Privacy Policy, you will be notified by means of a notice on our website homepage. Thus, you are encouraged to review this page periodically to be informed of how we are using your information and to be aware of any changes. Changes that are made to the Privacy Policy are effective immediately after they are posted by the Company. Your continued use of the website and its features after the posting of any amended Privacy Policy shall constitute your agreement to be bound by any such changes. If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy or Terms and conditions, do not hesitate to contact our data protection officer at

Notice to California Residents

This section describes your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and how to exercise those rights.
Description of Your Rights
Subject to certain exceptions and limitations, you have the following rights with respect to covered personal information.
Right to request access to personal information. You have the right to request the following information from us.
Specific pieces of personal information we have about you;
Categories of personal information we have collected about you;
Categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
Categories of personal information sold or disclosed, if any;
Categories of third parties with whom the personal information was sold or disclosed; and The purpose(s) for collecting or selling the personal information.

Right to delete personal information
You have the right to request that we delete the personal information we have collected about you.
Right to opt-out of the sale of personal information
You have the right to request to be opted out from the sale of your personal information; we do not and will not sell personal information to third parties.
Right to Data Portability
In certain circumstances, you may have the right to receive personal information concerning you in a portable format.
Right not to be discriminated against for exercising the rights identified above
You have the right not to be denied goods or services, charged different prices or rates for goods or services, or receive a differing level of quality of goods or services as a result of exercising the above rights.

Covered Personal Information

The rights described in the previous Section do not apply to certain categories of personal information. The personal information excluded from coverage under the CCPA includes, among other things:
Personal information we collect from or about you when you apply for or obtain a product or service for personal, family or household purposes;
Personal information about communications or transactions with you when you are acting on behalf of a company or government agency to do business with us; and Personal information sold or bought from a consumer reporting agency for use in a consumer report in compliance with applicable law.
We will apply verifiable consumer requests to covered personal information.

How to Submit a Request

You or your authorized agent may submit a CCPA request using the following method:


We will respond to authorized requests as soon as practicable and as required by law. The above rights are subject to our ability to reasonably verify your identity and authority to make these requests. In order to verify that you are authorized to submit a request, you may be required to provide the following information.


If you are a customer, you may verify your identity through account login, if applicable.


If you are not a customer, you may verify your identity by submitting certain non-sensitive identifiers. To help protect the security of your personal information, we may use a third-party service provider to verify your information, which may include receiving a one-time password via text message. By submitting your mobile phone number for identity verification, you consent to receiving text messages for this purpose.

Authorized Agents

If you are an authorized agent, you may verify your own identity by submitting certain non-sensitive identifiers. To help protect the security of your personal information and the personal information you are requesting, we may use a third-party service provider to verify your information, which may include receiving a one-time password via text message. By submitting your mobile phone number for identity verification, you consent to receiving text messages for this purpose. As an authorized agent, you also may be required to submit a legally sufficient Power of Attorney appointing you to act on behalf of the owner of the personal information you are requesting.

Your CCPA rights are subject to various exclusions and exceptions under the law. Under certain circumstances, we may be unable to implement your request, pursuant to applicable law. We will advise you of any reason for denying or restricting a request to the extent permitted by law.

We will not provide social security numbers, driver’s license numbers or government issued identification numbers, financial account numbers, health insurance or medical identification numbers, account passwords or security questions and answers, or other specific pieces of personal information if the disclosure presents an unreasonable risk to the security of personal information, customer accounts or our systems and network security.

Updates to this Statement

We may update this Statement from time to time. Publication of this statement to our website shall serve as legal notice of any updates made. We encourage you to periodically review this Statement to learn about updates to our privacy practices.

Contact Us

For more information about our privacy practices, or if you have questions or concerns, please visit the Contact Us page on our website. You may also email us at

Mushroom Media